An Intriguing Triangle

I recently noticed that the triangle with th row and th column:

…is closely related to the binomial coefficients and .

Here are the first several rows of the triangle1, along with their sums ∑ and cumulative sums ∑∑:

n              𝚫               ∑    ∑∑
2              1               1     1
3            2   2             4     5
4          3   4   3          10    15
5        4   6   6   4        20    35
6      5   8   9   8   5      35    70

(We omit all the zero entries, at , , and .)

Theorem 1

Note that the binomial coefficients , , , , … look a lot like the ∑ column of the sums of the rows. Sure enough:


Using the facts2 that and , we have:

Theorem 2

Note that the binomial coefficients , , , , … look a lot like the ∑∑ column of the cumulative sums of the rows. Sure enough:

And in fact, more generally for any :


(Also proved in the Lean theorem proving language, for fun.3)

(n = 0)

If ,

Otherwise, so

(n > 0)

Supposing by induction that , we have:

But from Pascal’s triangle we know

Visual Interpretation

In the context of Pascal’s triangle, says that you can sum a diagonal to find the value of the entry below and to the right.

For , for example, is illustrated by marking the relevant entries of Pascal’s triangle:

        1  +0
      1  +1   0
    1  +2   1   0
  1  +3   3   1   0
1   4  =6   4   1   0
  1. Notice that the triangle is just the antidiagonals of a multiplication table:

    1  2  3  4  5  .  .  .
    2  4  6  8 10
    3  6  9 12 15
    4  8 12 16 20
    5 10 15 20 25
    .              .
    .                 .
    .                    .

    It’s also known as OEIS A003991

  2. has many derivations, including this clever visual one.

    can be derived by expanding as illustrated here

  3. theorem two {n k : } :  m in range n, m.choose k = n.choose (k+1) :=
      induction n with n hn,
      { refl, },
      { rw [finset.sum_range_succ_comm, hn],
        refl, },

    (Note that range n only goes up to , so this equation uses instead of .)

    You can interact with this code in the Lean web editor.